4/15/24 – OSF Healthcare Newsroom, The importance of advance care planning, end of life discussions
Resources and steps to take with advance care planning. READ MORE …
Resources and steps to take with advance care planning. READ MORE …
Medical-aid in dying is not me choosing to die,
MAID – Medical aid in dying is not suicide.
Article about Jimmy Carter more than a year into hospice
1/25/24 – MEDPAGE Today, Making the Case for Physician Assisted Dying
How Planning My Death at 52 Helped Me Learn More About How I Wanted to Live. As my health is markedly declining, I’ve made a list: places to see/go, things to do, things to no longer do.
Medscape, New Guidelines: Brain Death is Equal to Heart Death, says Ethicist, Art Caplan, PhD
12/22/23 – Reuters, Cuba Quietly Authorizes Euthanasia
12/24/23 – Times of India, Live and Let Die, Right to die established in India
A thoughtful Medscape article explores how oncologists manage grief when all treatments have been tried, shedding light on the human side of end-of-life care.
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Georgians for End of Life Options seeks to support and improve end of life and advance care planning in Georgia by advocating for laws and policies which improve and expand options for end of life decision making.
We are a 501(c)(3) organization and our federal ID number is 88-3918606.
Georgians for End of Life Options is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We provide support and education for Advance Care Planning, and advocacy to ensure that people have a clear understanding of their rights and all the options available to them in Georgia. We are a service provider and our role is to provide information, resources and education. We do not advocate for suicide in any way and do not advise that anyone violate GA law. We are not a clinical provider, and we do not give legal or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment advice.