Add Your Story
One of the best ways to spark the conversation around death and dying in Georgia is for Georgians to share their own personal stories and real life experiences with death. What does it mean to you to have a peaceful, dignified death? What experiences have you personally had with death, or with caring for someone at the end of life?
Also, how you feel about end of life options as they exist in Georgia today? Would you like to see improvements in laws already in place in Georgia, such as the Advance Directive Healthcare Act, and the Physician’s Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Act? Would you like to see new laws passed in Georgia which would expand options for end of life decision-making, such as a medical aid in dying law?
Sharing your story and perspective here may help other Georgians with shared experiences to process their own experiences, and help those who have not had personal experience with death begin to think about end of life decision making and the importance of passing improved and expanded end of life laws. Thank you in advance for sharing your story with us, and we look forward to continuing the narrative with you.